Working Paper 4: Introduction to Credit Risk Management 2014
This report is to give more insight in the background, the implementation of the course and the results. The purpose is to provide useful information (and clean data) to the team of developers and teachers and to others to support their aspiration to improve online education. A comparative analysis of the first five DelftX MOOCs can be found in the ‘Working Paper DelftX MOOCs, the first year (2013-2014)’.
The Credit MOOC (CRMOOC) was a highly structured course in the area of applied non-life soft discipline.
An important characteristic was the student-centered approach with frequent asynchronous student-teacher interactions. There was a significant number of supporting materials easing students way into understanding the core course content. The weekly course structure had a conventional format of short videos (under 10 min), few unassessed close-ended questions testing general comprehension, and extra reading or video resources reaching beyond the basics to present the diversity of opinions around the issue at the heart of the module.
The highly structured instructionist principles with objectives and an emphasis on learning support with for example the use of twitter for addressing urgent needs. The complex financial concepts were recorded using simple everyday materials, in a playful and creative way (e.g. see Figure 2). By using those in combination with the use of color, simple language, and an overall humble attitude, the course as a whole has a unique, dynamic and personable feel to it.
Most students rated the course as good to very good (84%) with a nice balance between the lectures, exercises, feedback and assessments and would do another course given by the same teachers team.
De Vries, P., Hennis, T., Skrypnyk, A., (2015). TU Delft Online Learning Research Working Paper #1:DelftX MOOC Course Report TW3421x Introduction to Credit Risk Management. Delft, Delft University of Technology. ISBN: 9789461864598 l.
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